8 Ideas for Repurposing Items You Have Around the Home

, 8 Ideas for Repurposing Items You Have Around the Home, Sunbolt

This Earth Day, Sunbolt has compiled a list of items to repurpose that are found around one’s home. From garden tools to old books, instead of getting rid of them, why not reuse them? We were also inspired by the concept of “recycled art” and had the chance to speak with world-renowned artist Chris Riggs about how he repurposes items for his artwork.

Chris Riggs work is featured below, but first, here are some ideas to repurpose items you may have around the house.

  1. Old books. Why not use old books to display your heirlooms?

old books as shelves
 from justimagine-ddoc.com

2. Old File Cabinet

Tired of keeping your old file cabinet in storage? Use it to house your brooms and rakes!

file cabinet to hold garage tools
from vitamin-ha.com

3. Speaking of rakes… Have an old one that stopped doing the job? Repurposing it can create a cool, rustic-looking utility holder.

rake to display cookware
from loveinamasonjar.wordpress.com

4. Game Boards. If you’re still holding on to the never-used board game that is missing pieces, you can also turn these into some entertaining wall-shelves.

board games made into shelves
from ThriftCore.com

5. Milk or juice cartons. Turn milk cartons into bird feeders. This is a fun project to do with family!

milk carton bird feeders

6. Floor Cleaning Mop. Create a mop from an old shirt.

old shirt cleaning mop

7. Reuse old denim. Not sure what to do with your jeans? Here are 20 creative ideas to recycle old jeans.

8. Create a masterpiece! Chris Riggs has been making artwork with found objects since the 1970s when he would walk around NYC with his father looking for metal objects to paint. Today, he will often use found wood instead of canvas to paint artwork on, and will use tree branches and empty spray cans.

empty paint can art
Artwork by Chris Riggs made of a tree branch and empty paint cans, recently acquired by the CEO of a sustainable corporation in London.

He gets much of his inspiration from nature. “I love to walk through the forest or streets and find something that looks like it could be turned into art, to take something that would go to a landfill and turn it into an art treasure. To me, its like magic. I see a piece and think that’s art.”

More about Chris Riggs:

New York City born artist Chris Riggs has worked with governments and corporations all around the world promoting love and peace with his “Love and Peace” murals. His work is in many corporations around the world such as Bloomingdales, Netflix, Bergdorf Goodman, Saks 5th Ave, and is currently being exhibited at The American Embassy in Beijing, China. Chris Riggs statement: “Life goes by so fast. Everyday we have a choice on what we can do. It makes me feel so great to promote positive messages. My goal as an artist is to help promote peace on earth.” Follow Chris Riggs on social media at @ChrisRiggsArt

Love and Peace by Chris Riggs